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When you’re in the accounting industry, January is the month of “go time” with clients but also with marketing. Whether you’re doing PR, going to a tradeshow or recording a podcast, you’re getting the word out and representing your firm’s brand.

Chances are you’re already working on your firm and professional goals for the year. So how do you create a great marketing plan?

Tips for Success:

You need to determine your marketing goals, which should align with the firm’s goals. The next step is market research: look at your client industries, the competition and the growth areas of your firm. Where is the sweet spot between industry trends, competition and your firm’s vision? That’s where your plan should point out the opportunities.


You’ll need buy-in from stakeholders to get your marketing plan approved. And it’s not just about the approvals. When you open the dialogue, allow creative ideas to jump out at you. Your conversation with leaders can inspire additional ideas that support their professional goals, which results in buy-in but also better niche campaigns and fun events.

Here’s an Example

This is an engineering firm, but you can still apply some of the same tactics from our project with Bolton & Menk to your accounting firm. Thiscase study  shows you that you can maximize your content and repurpose it to speak to your audience on their own turf. This generates trust and a reliance on your brand since you’re there when and where they need you.