Working Smarter, Not Harder
We audited the content of an engineering firm to help them streamline their content marketing, add SEO and simplify their marketing strategy. Bolton & Menk has its own in-house creative studio. When we worked with them, they had a complex, 12-month content calendar. The marketing team needed an outside perspective on how they could organize and streamline their content for a better user experience. They also wanted to simplify their processes for producing and promoting content.
When reviewing content that supports marketing for engineering firms, we look at how the content appears on their website, their social channels and through outside media. Thinking like a visitor, we test the ease of navigation and the quality of the content. We also think about its purpose for AEC marketing, thought leadership, leads or community engagement.
Bolton & Menk was certainly covering all of its audiences, and the content quality was high. We noticed immediately, however, that reviewing their content became overwhelming. It was hard to tell what to look at first. We also noticed that content was rarely featured again or re-used in new ways.
Overall, the firm was spending a lot of time and energy on new content every month. They had the opportunity to leverage their content archive and produce new content with a longer shelf life.
The other thing we noticed was a lack of search engine optimization. The marketing team had a huge opportunity to identify how visitors were searching for content and to optimize content for those searches.
When sharing our findings, we provided recommendations on better ways to organize their existing content on the website for different users. We advised that the firm feature the same content more than once to reach new audiences. This approach would also help them simplify their content calendar.
“Through Ingenuity’s research and consulting, we now work smarter instead of harder,” said Kelly Meyers, Marketing and Communication Coordinator. “We have pared down our content calendar significantly, and we strategize on producing content that can be used in multiple ways. We are more efficient and effective as a marketing team.”
Bolton & Menk also retained Ingenuity to perform search engine optimization for their website content with keyword research, creation of a blog template and training to help them integrate SEO into their content strategy going forward. We continue to consult as needed on their content and SEO questions for AEC marketing.
“The education piece and the templates Ingenuity provided to us for our SEO process are invaluable,” Kelly said. “Their recorded training has helped us onboard new employees into the process. As a result, our web traffic and impressions are showing a day-and-night difference. The knowledge that Ingenuity has for this industry, and how to use SEO for the industry, clearly works.”