Writing content for your blog and website is just one part of an effective content marketing strategy. You need a good SEO strategy for your content to be found organically online. In this video, hear from Christine Nelson, Communications Consultant at Ingenuity Marketing Group, as she shares some important considerations when it comes to your SEO strategy and how keyword research and technical elements are critical elements in this strategy.
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Do you write content for your website? Then you probably know that fresh content is a great way to bring visitors to your website to learn about your services. If you are writing a blog post or two…or more a month, that’s great. Keep doing that. But I also urge you to step up your game with search engine optimization.
Due to the volume of new content produced every day on the Internet, your great content will get lost without SEO. SEO is a broad term for many things that search engines consider when sending visitors to your site. These include user experience, mobile friendliness, and a number of other technical aspects like website page speed and website security. Just to name a few.
They also look at the trustworthiness of the content and they look at how many other quality sources, also known as backlinks, are pointing to your content. You can optimize your blog posts in several ways.
First, do keyword research for the services and topics you want to write about so that you have a better chance of people organically finding your content through their online searches.
You also need to think about your reasons for writing content. Is it to inform visitors about important information? OK, but is it also tied into the services you provide? Your blog content needs a strategy that informs, but also leads visitors to a decision. Otherwise, that’s a lot of energy spent with less hope for new business.
As we’ve found with clients who request SEO help for their blog, it’s also best to optimize your content while it’s being written rather than after it’s posted. What I mean is, don’t forget about the back-end of your blog post. Elements like page titles, meta descriptions, header tags and alt text will help search engines and visitors know if a search result is a good fit for them.
In my experience as a ghostwriter, writing a blog post is the easy part. But to get more visitors viewing your content and learning about your firm, you also need SEO built right into it. Otherwise, your website might be invisible to great potential clients.
Interested in learning more? Contact us at Ingenuity.