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Personalize Your Engineering Social Media

Personalize Your Engineering Social Media thumbnail image.

Are you having a hard time trying to find something to post on your firm’s social media accounts? Let’s help you work on your engineering social media posts. Here are a few tips:

Tips for Engineering Social Media Posts

Share posts on personal and company profiles

Colored circles with arrows going between them to show sharing.

Share company updates on the company profile and your own personal profile.

Depending on where you’re posting, share the post from your personal profile to the company profile and back again (later).

Share photos of your team off-duty

Two girls on a carnival ride.

Post more videos and photos! Especially of staff out on the town.

Tell us why you loved a particular project

A mechanical lift.

Post about projects you’re proud of. Add that emotional element to your posts.

Remember to have fun, keep experimenting and let us know if you need help with the analysis side.

Full Video Script

I spend a lot of time analyzing social media channels, and I notice that personal posts get a lot more attention.

You probably notice this, too.

So how can you make sure that your engineering firm is even more approachable and authentic on social media? Here are a few ideas.

For your company profile:

Include photos. We love to see pictures of your team at work or having fun together. When you are out and about, make sure someone is snapping a few pictures.

This includes personnel photos on the job site. Your office people shouldn’t have all the fun!

You can also create a more personal connection with project posts. Let’s say that you finished a project and want to show it off. In your post, share why that project means so much.

Is it a roadway project that improves safety? Is it a welcoming lobby for senior living guests and family? How does it make you feel?

Here is my third tip for personalizing your engineering social posts. Add more video!

Highlight an employee with a Q and A video. Celebrate a promotion. Offer a quick tip for clients. Take a selfie video before you make the drive to the job site.

Share staff posts back on the company profile to bring it full circle.

Which reminds me of my most IMPORTANT tip… you should post on your PERSONAL profile. People pay more attention to individual posts than they do to company posts. Reshare company updates to your profile on occasion to show colleagues, friends and family what you’re up to. You could get a referral!

By encouraging personal posts or creating posts for your leaders’ PERSONAL profiles, you will exponentially increase likes and engagement!

If you need help with your engineering firm’s social media, contact us at Ingenuity!