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How to Set up Your Quarterly Marketing Plan

Thumbnail of Dawn Wagenaar's video for Simplifying Your Marketing Plan.

I LOVE quarterly marketing plans. Here’s why you should quit making 12-month plans.

Make it Quarterly

With a quarterly dashboard, I can easily see what is happening, WHEN it is happening and who I need to talk to about it.

Tip #1: You can use Asana, Basecamp, Trello, Monday or even Excel to keep all of your data in one place.

Keep it Flexible

These dashboards are more flexible than long-term plans and this makes it easier to manage niche market business development strategies as well.

Tip #2: Make sure all of your files are in the same place. That way, you can print them out all at once or present them in an orderly fashion over video during your next meeting.

List Staff Responsibilities

Also: Don’t forget to include WHO is responsible for each task and dependency – that way you can easily see where the bottlenecks are.

Do you need ideas for simple marketing plans and templates? Contact me at Ingenuity!


Read Full Video Script

Earlier in my career, I used to create detailed, 12-month marketing plans. Everything was laid out, including the tactics, the deadlines and the budget. My plan was set for the year!

For today’s marketing plans, you want less detail and a shorter timeline. You need a flexible roadmap that lets you change up tactics as needed.

That’s why I LOVE doing quarterly dashboard plans. I lay out the plan by three categories – marketing, lead generation and nurturing and other.

Then I include a basic description of marketing tactics under the right category.

Also list who is responsible for each tactic in your firm, such as a marketing specialist on your team or a subject matter expert. Add a deadline for them.

With a quarterly dashboard, I can easily see what is happening, WHEN it is happening and who I need to talk to about it.

If you are doing monthly social media calendars, create those in a separate document and file them near your dashboard plan.

The same goes for niche-specific plans. I create niche plans the same way as my marketing dashboard. I can compare these niche plans to the general marketing plan. This makes it so easy to manage multiple niches.

Do you need ideas for simple marketing plans and templates? Contact me at Ingenuity!
