Clients are willing to share about their experience with your firm in many different ways including word-of-mouth, online reviews and testimonials. Standing out in an increasingly digital world can be challenging. In this video, Dawn Wagenaar, Principal, shares five tips to create brand loyalty and get more referrals.
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Clients will share their brand loyalty by word-of-mouth, but also through online reviews and testimonials. Do you want more referrals? To stand out in a more digital world, here are five tactics to improve your brand loyalty and perception
Number one: Branding messages.Teach your team to talk about your firm in a consistent way that shows how clients gain value. If you do not have consistent messaging – or your messages are outdated – it is time to do brand research and create fresh messages.
Number two: Customer service standards. – Does everyone know when email or voicemail should be returned? Is it within 24 hours, by the end of the day, within 8 hours? Should cell phones be in client meetings? Should you bring an agenda to the client meeting? What type of message should you leave on your “out of office” if you are in CPE for the day? If you have consistent standards around how you work with clients and provide timely service to them, your referrals will go up!
Number three: A welcome kit. Even after you win the engagement, you are still selling and building trust. Send new clients a welcome kit with details about their project, who will be on their team including bios with photos and contact information, a list of services you provide, social media they can follow as well as a service representative unrelated to the engagement team. Send clients this kit and welcome them to the firm.
Number four: A client service retreat and training. – Your team wants training. They want to know what great service looks like in order to perform beyond expectations. Train your staff on providing great client service, and discuss ways to improve service based on current client and team issues.
Number five: Secret shopping your digital presence. – Hire someone to act as a prospect and visit your website, look for directions, call your office, visit your firm and see what kind of follow-up happens. Does this experience reflect what you think happens during a prospect’s exploration of your firm? If it does not, you will see areas to improve your brand positioning and attract new business from referrals.
From first impressions to amazing client service, these tactics will help you create brand loyalty and a referral machine.