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Anglin Reichmann Armstrong wants to track and report on their successes beyond financial growth. Their original idea was to create a high-quality State of the Firm report to share with their team at the annual meeting.
Over the past several years, it has become much more.
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Ingenuity’s communications and design consultants take all the raw data gathered over an entire year, and we organize it into a story of the firm that supports team retention — building camaraderie and excitement for the coming year. The report is also written and designed to be used for recruitment to attract future interns and new hires. As a third opportunity, the leadership team uses the report in its growth strategy discussions.
We keep these goals in mind when writing and designing the report each year. In addition to volunteer hours, donations, awards and internal promotions, new hires, speaking engagements and firm events, we highlight niche industry activities and the firm’s plans for the coming year. This helps everyone on the team stay informed about major initiatives and to celebrate their individual accomplishments.
Anglin’s State of the Firm report is a benchmark for sustaining this Top 400 regional firm as a best place to work. It also has helped the growing team get to know each other on a more personal level. For future hiring and potential M&A conversations, the report is a unique method for sharing Anglin’s culture and growth with specific examples and visual interest.