
We adopted the association’s existing brand color palette for the new logo’s colors, and the font is updated from the former san serif logo for use on all association materials, including its conferences. In addition to visual branding services, we helped the client with updating and adding the new brand into presentation slide decks. We also supported speaker pitching for the executive director.

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NCBA won an award for the 2018 rebranding! Click here to view more information on the award.

National Creditors Bar Association recently changed its name to better represent the wider diversity of practice areas its attorney members work in. To go along with the name change, NCBA wanted a fresh visual brand and logo to reflect a more modern first impression. The executive director liked that Ingenuity works with law firms, including experience with creditors rights attorneys. We reviewed the client’s existing marketing materials and website as well as key branding messages to understand the value proposition for members.

After discussions with the executive director and internal marketing director, one of the informal taglines that emerged was “from Main Street to Wall Street.” Another discovery was the increasing monetary value over time that a creditors rights attorney can provide to clients in comparison to other collections options.

During the concepting process, we considered several designs, but the one that resonated most with the client and its board was a hybrid of traditional imagery and abstract symbolism. The resulting stylized column — synonymous with the law — also incorporates a fever chart that demonstrates the increasing long-term value of creditors rights attorneys. This value is the primary mission of NCBA, to promote creditors rights attorney services nationwide and to refer its members to creditors.

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